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Equitable Research 101: Learning Circle

Research like a Responsible and Reflective Pro!

4 hr
2,000 Canadian dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Discover the essentials of developing qualitative and quantitative research strategies in today’s world with our Research and Inclusion program at Mixed Coast Collective. With over 20 years of shared experience, we offer an understanding of ethical parameters when communicating your findings, and learn how to ensure inclusivity and diversity in your research. Join us and start your plans for driving meaningful change in our society

Contact Details

We acknowledge that Ktaqamkuk is the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Mi'kmaq peoples who have taken care of this land for centuries. We also wish to acknowledge the Inuit and Innu of Labrador. We acknowledge that the white settler colonial state has been built through Indigenous genocide and land theft, the enslavement and labour theft of people of African descent through the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the fifteen thousand Chinese men who worked under exploitative conditions to build Canada’s first transcontinental railroad, the internment and forced labor of twelve thousand Japanese Canadians, and the thousands of refugees and migrants denied refuge into so-called Canada throughout its history. (Credit: ARC NL)

©2024 by Mixed Coast Collective.

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